Sunday, January 25, 2009


In no particular order...

    1. News Lettter?
    2. Read Minutes
    3. Buy Microwave Table
    4. Write a cheque for Matt
    5. Write cheques for Taps, phone, etc
    6. Expense Report/Budget
    7. Clean up in there
    8. Organize bookshelf
    9. SRM AGM
    10. Contact Julia Re: CS Games, Silicon Knights, Wine & Cheese Timing

  • Senate
    1. Pictures
    2. Website? ..?
    3. Fix office computer
    4. Initiative to get legislation changed?

  • School
    1. 2750 AS II Monday, Feb 2 (Wed, Feb 5)
    2. OS AS I Monday, Jan 26 (Thurs, Jan 29)
    3. DS AS III Monday, Jan 26
    4. DS Lab III Monday, Jan 26
    5. Algorithms AS I Friday, Jan 30
    6. TA-learning this week

  • CSA
    1. Louise's Mail move thing, Tuesday at 4

  • Job
    1. Email Microsoft again?
    2. Apply to RIM Jobs
    3. Apply to UoGuelph job
    4. Apply to security jobs
    5. Apply to interesting jobs
    6. Job fair on wednesday

  • Home
    1. Clean room
    2. Organize fridge stuff
    3. Organize computer
    4. Fix Eee

  • Self
    1. Read more Shadow of the Hegemon, dune books, stand, serenity
    2. Write Letters
    3. Watch Andy Richter, Cowboy Bebop, Scrubs, Big Bang Theory, Battlestar, Full Metal Alchemist, other animes, Star Treks
    4. Guitar learning
    5. Hair cut.

Good luck!

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