- News Lettter?
- Read Minutes
- Buy Microwave Table
- Write a cheque for Matt
- Write cheques for Taps, phone, etc
- Expense Report/Budget
- Clean up in there
- Organize bookshelf
- Contact Julia Re: CS Games, Silicon Knights, Wine & Cheese Timing
- Senate
- Pictures
- Website? ..?
- Fix office computer
- Initiative to get legislation changed?
- School
- 2750 AS II Monday, Feb 2 (Wed, Feb 5)
- OS AS I Monday, Jan 26 (Thurs, Jan 29)
- DS AS III Monday, Jan 26
- DS Lab III Monday, Jan 26
- Algorithms AS I Friday, Jan 30
- TA-learning this week
- Louise's Mail move thing, Tuesday at 4
- Job
- Email Microsoft again?
- Apply to RIM Jobs
- Apply to UoGuelph job
- Apply to security jobs
- Apply to interesting jobs
- Job fair on wednesday
- Home
- Clean room
- Organize fridge stuff
- Organize computer
- Fix Eee
- Self
- Read more Shadow of the Hegemon, dune books, stand, serenity
- Write Letters
- Watch Andy Richter, Cowboy Bebop, Scrubs, Big Bang Theory, Battlestar, Full Metal Alchemist, other animes, Star Treks
- Guitar learning
- Hair cut.