Monday, November 2, 2009

what I have to do

In no particular order...

  • School
    1. Databases
    2. 3750 stuff
    3. Networking 3
    4. Modelling 3
    5. sign up for compilers (and other courses)
    6. drop english
    7. osap application

  • Job
    1. Check the coursework forums
    2. don't forget to go in late wednesday
    3. brush up on my mad javascript skills yo

  • Home
    1. continue cleaning room
    2. do laundry
    3. set up computer
    4. fix network cable
    5. figure out how heating works
    6. take out some trash
    7. eat some of my yummy yummy food

  • Self
    1. Teeth
    2. Awesome
    3. Reading mah books
    5. Kevin needs his multitool back
    6. play some piano
    7. write some stuff (keep up the blogging you're doing well)
    8. make another art.
    9. get lots of sleep :)

Good luck!