Monday, December 22, 2008


  • Sleep
  • Graph ADT (C and Python)
  • Taxonomy of Goals
  • Roboticon Stuff
  • Christmas Stuff
  • I'm sure there are other things
  • Goodnight!

Monday, November 17, 2008

In no particular order...

    1. SBE Talk stuff ahhhhhh
    2. Microwave get
    3. microwave associated get
    4. roboticon specs, write write write! tora, tora, tora
    5. another proofread too?
    6. ??? I'm sure there's something else...

  • Senate
    1. Email response about conference.. did I even get a form? I don't know..
    2. Stop by 212 and check that comp out

  • School
    1. 2030 go go go
    2. 2430 start start start
    3. 2910 and stats, study study study
    4. don't write things three times, don't don't don't

  • CSA
    1. Lee Anne's email thing
    2. Food Bank
    3. HRO
    4. K7 Machine
    5. ??? I'm sure there are other things

  • Job
    1. Work.. tester.. thing. !?
    2. Get. Your. Passport. Idiot.
    3. Waiting for Programming Pearls, can do a lot to prepare without it.
    4. Prepare, prepare, prepare. This is just learning. Do it.

  • Home
    1. Clean yo' room
    2. Wash those dishes from yesterday
    3. Erase presence from living room
    4. Organize the then-cleaned room
    5. Vacuum the then organized, clean room.

  • Self
    1. Get new waterbasin for toe
    2. Bandaids
    3. Deoderant
    4. Toothpaste
    5. ??? As usual

Good luck! You need it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

animation software, and

weight, balance, overlap, texture, and form

find out. Make something. explore.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Seriously? This is what Blogger does with tables?

That's disgusting.

CSA Todo Inventory & Schedule

Lee Anne's Email11:30 on Thursday
Christian's Share Folder9:30 on Thursday (tentatively)
Router for LRRPending (Speaking to Katie this week)
Access/Photoshop stuff for Food Bank12:30 on Thursday (Probably)
Printer/MSN/Stuff for Meal Exchange10:30 on Thursday
HRO ComputerPending (Sometime this week)
Photoshop for Banner PrinterNeed to speak with you about
Printer for Safewalk4:30 PM on Wednesday
K7 Server in Your officeNext Week sometime? Christmas?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Start on 2430
get your passport

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Todo for Thursday, November 6th, 2008

In no particular order...

    1. SBE, EP, CSG planning / SRM forms.
    2. stuff
    3. Open up the idea of Student Rep
    4. Cheques to be written

  • Senate
    1. Desire2Learn info
    2. ITSAC Stuff
    3. Report to SOCIS
    4. Podcasts for Mike
    5. Evaluate Student Leaders Conference

  • School
    1. 2910 Studying
    2. 2430 Quiz Email
    3. 2430 Remarking Email
    4. 2430 Assignment 3 / Extension Email
    5. 2030 Labs 7 and 8
    6. Stats mark?
    7. Stats assignment?
    8. Email Steph Genge about absences
    9. Prepare for mock interview

  • CSA
    1. Lee Anne's Email
    2. Christian's Share Folder
    3. Router for LRR
    4. Access/Stuff for Food Bank
    5. Printer/MSN/Stuff for Meal Exchange
    6. Photoshop for Banner Printer
    7. Go to Bull Ring
    8. Printer for Safewalk
    9. K7 Server in Joel's room

  • Job
    1. Email Microsoft
    2. Passport Documentation
    3. Email Sandvine
    4. Email Pixar
    5. Email Silicon Knights
    6. Continue to work on Resume/Standard cover letter

  • Home
    1. Garbage..?
    2. Minutes of house meeting
    3. Sign for Robyn

  • Self
    1. For the love of god, sleep
    2. Continue to set watch, use for alarm for pills
    3. Awesome
Good luck!